This article was originally published by Fast Company here. If you’re fortunate enough not to be among those directly impacted by the mental health crisis in the United States, you’ve still likely heard about, read about, and been concerned about its ramifications. Chances are that someone you work with, live with, or are related to is suffering from a mental…

This article was originally published by Fast Company here. One of my favorite things to ask an audience of students and young professionals about is commitment. What does commitment mean? Why does someone commit to something? Do you prefer to be on a team of people who are committed to the team? Nearly everyone can explain commitment. In their answers,…

This article was originally published by Forbes here. For decades, people living under communism sought to escape their countries and flee to the West. The communist governments went to extreme lengths to keep their citizens from leaving. The most famous example of this is the Berlin Wall. During the reconstruction of Berlin that followed the war, it soon became evident to…