How Hindsight Can Actually Hinder Your Professional Growth

How Hindsight Can Actually Hinder Your Professional Growth

Hindsight resonates just as profoundly in our personal lives. My companion piece expands on the idea that the way we think about the past can be inaccurate and how longing for “the good old days” can prevent us from seeing the joy available today. This article was originally published by Fast Company.   “If I had known how it was…

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Hindsight Is Anything But 20/20: The Danger of Nostalgia

Hindsight Is Anything But 20/20: The Danger of Nostalgia

I recently published an article in Fast Company about mistakes we make when we think about the past. As Fast Company is geared toward professionals, the piece focuses on applications for business leaders. However, I think this idea applies deeply to our personal lives, as well, and I hope you’ll find this companion piece, written alongside the Fast Company article,…

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Mastering the Art of Responding Versus Reacting

Mastering the Art of Responding Versus Reacting

This article was originally published by Fast Company.  In many sports, when coaches evaluate athletes, they are often trying to gauge their reaction times. A reaction time that is only a thousandth of a second faster can be the difference between making the save or allowing the goal. Fast reaction times are useful and even lifesaving in many situations. When…

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Three Habits to Sharpen Your Strategy

Three Habits to Sharpen Your Strategy

This article was originally published by Fast Company here. During the settling of the American West, pioneers would hire guides to lead them across the prairies and mountains to unchartered, available land. These guides had to match their knowledge of the weather, potential threats, and the difficulty of each possible route with the capabilities and limitations of the settlers…

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Three Questions to Ask Before Making Your To-Do List

Three Questions to Ask Before Making Your To-Do List

This article was originally published by Fast Company here.  I have a few close people in my life who are older and much wiser than me. I love speaking with them and picking up perspectives and insights. Recently, I was in a meeting with one of them, and he used a term I hadn’t heard before as he spoke about…

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The Interview Process is A Lot Like Dating. How Employers Can Find the Right Match

The Interview Process is A Lot Like Dating. How Employers Can Find the Right Match

This article was originally published by Fast Company here.  I can’t remember a time when there was this much collective angst around work. From the Great Resignation to quiet quitting, work—and our satisfaction with it—is making headlines daily. Some of it may be editorial hand-wringing, but without a doubt, there’s a shift happening in how we perceive work and how…

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Five Questions to Ask in Your Business

Five Questions to Ask in Your Business

This article was originally published by Forbes here. “He doesn’t always have the best answers, but he always has the best questions.” When a CEO said this to me about one of his business advisors, I thought it sounded like an insult. But I quickly realized it was actually an incredible compliment. Everyone likes to be the one with the…

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