Five Questions to Ask in Your Business

Five Questions to Ask in Your Business

This article was originally published by Forbes here. “He doesn’t always have the best answers, but he always has the best questions.” When a CEO said this to me about one of his business advisors, I thought it sounded like an insult. But I quickly realized it was actually an incredible compliment. Everyone likes to be the one with the…

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Covid, Healthcare Workers And The Rise Of The Gig Economy—Lessons For Every Industry

Covid, Healthcare Workers And The Rise Of The Gig Economy—Lessons For Every Industry

This article was originally published by Forbes here.  Every business leader I know will tell you that the past two years have been unlike anything they have seen in their careers. Supply chains have broken, costs have soared and consumer expectations of businesses have shifted. Perhaps most significantly, the relationship between businesses and the people who work for them has…

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Slowing Down to Go Farther, Faster

Slowing Down to Go Farther, Faster

This article was originally published by Forbes here.  “Pay attention!” I can’t be the only one who, as a student, received this occasional reprimand from teachers. Sitting in a classroom for what felt like hours on end listening to the droning of a lecture that had no relevance to my life, it couldn’t be helped that my mind would wander.…

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The Courage to Admit What You Don’t Know

The Courage to Admit What You Don’t Know

This article was originally published by Forbes here.  When I was a kid, I used to love watching the G.I. Joe cartoon series. At the end of each episode, there was a public service-like message with a helpful life tip that ended with a character saying, “Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.” That counted as sage advice…

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